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BOUNCE atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu: Admin request

>From atlantia-owner  Sun Aug  2 23:47:51 1998
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From: EoganOg@aol.com
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Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 23:45:13 EDT
To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
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Subject: Help a poor confused bard. . .
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Greetings everichon!
Does anyone happen to have a current mailing address for (the one, the
only--thank goodness!) Lady Dervilla?  I'm mailing out the latest batch of
Motley Crews (the "official" newsletter for the Militant Society of Bards) and
somehow all I manage to have as an address for her is "Greenville, NC" and I
don't think that willl cut it with the post office.  I know she moved
recently, so does anyone out there know her address, or how to contact her?
I'd appreciate it greatly.
Lard Eogan Og Mac Labruinn, CP
Chronicler for the MSoBs
And a sucker for blue-eyed lasses with breaded cheese sticks
(you know who you are and I know you are reading this ;-)
"Mo Eilidh bhan, fill arais go luath. . ."