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BOUNCE atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu: Admin request

>From atlantia-owner  Wed Aug  5 14:49:11 1998
Received: from portcullis.maxson.com. (portcullis.maxson.com [])
	by adm.csc.ncsu.edu (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id OAA12189
	for <atlantia@adm.csc.ncsu.edu>; Wed, 5 Aug 1998 14:49:09 -0400
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Message-ID: <35C8AB5D.9046CAA0@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 14:58:37 -0400
From: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>
Reply-To: sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net
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To: Atlantia <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
Subject: Help Needed for Atlantia Children's Party
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I still have a few more acivities for the teen group that I need young
people between the ages of 12 amd 15 to help with at the Atlantia
Children's Party. Please let me know if you are in this age range and
want to help, or know anyone who wants to help. The party is Wednesday,
Aug. 12 from 1-5 pm in Atlantian Royal. Participants will meet there at
noon. Preferably call me as soon as possible at (704) 399-1200 (collect
is ok) or email me with your phone number. We leave on Friday for

In Service to the Dream,