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RE: Lord of the Rings Casting Call (WAS Re: Glorious...)

Poster: David KUIJT <kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu>

On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Garrett, William wrote:

> > Sir John Gielgud would have been a wonderful Gandalf, except that I think
> > he has inconveniently died in the last couple of years.
> > 
> Ok....Maybe Max Von Sydow?  

Max von Sydow would be a wonderful Denethor, actually.  Coming back from
looking at the palantir all aged and worn?  He can certainly do insane and

 > > Here's a thought -- Patrick Stewart.  He could take any of the four
> > "Powerful Old Men" roles (Gandalf, Denethor, Theoden, Saruman).  He'd make
> > a wonderful Denethor -- I've seen him play King Lear, and you need to be
> > able to transmit that sort of madness and despair.
> I would rather see him play Theoden.......starts off weak and cowed and then
> becomes a lion.  He could do it well.

That's true.
> How about Brian Blessed as Gimli?  It's amazing what can be accomplished
> with cameras these days :o)

Hah!  I was thinking the same thing.  But I think he's too portly these
> James Earl Jones as the voice of Fangorn

That rocks!
> Who the hell would play Tom Bombadil??????????

Bit part.  Probably going to get left on the cutting-room floor.


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