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Re: On Pennsic....

Poster: Ann & Les Shelton <sheltons@conterra.com>

Oh yes, Eldred, some WONDRFUL things happened at Pennsic.  Our household
was hosted by the Barony of Ponte Alto where we renewed and deepened
friendships.  A lovely lady of that barony, Anne of Carthew, was
inducted into the Order of the Laurel. Another Pontoon, Donald, was made
a Companion of the Gold Dolphin and (last but in my eyes, far from
least) my husband John le Burguillun received his Pearl.

In addition the vocal group from Ponte Alto defended their last year's
win in the competition there.  Lord knows what they will do next year to
make it three in a row.

The NATO encampment hosted a social evening to discuss the proposed
Principality.  I went for information and was impressed with their
courteous welcome as well as their devotion to this desire.  I came away
heartened that I had a much better understanding of where they are
coming from as they did for my concerns.

Also in our group were some young men from our barony who fought at
Pennsic for the first time.  Hearing their war stories and seeing their
faces almost made me "get it" as to why you would dress in heavy metal
and stand waiting for an hour in the sun for your chance to hit and be

For me, Pennsic is not about the heat, dirt or shopping (although there
is plenty of all three).  Pennsic is about seeing and visiting with
people you often only see in passing while one or both of you is working
an event.  

Oh yes, that and a clean bath at the hotel on the way home.  After a
week of camping, your needs are small.

Anne le Coeur
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