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Some problems at Pennsic

Poster: Orendil@aol.com

There were some real problems this year involving the 'reserved' and
'handicapped' parking areas.

The 'reserved' parking (for a $20 donation, one was supposed to have a
reserved spot in the parking area near the battlefield), despite having more
space assigned to it this year than last, was shut down early (I asked on
Monday morning, it was already closed).  There were too many cars parking
anywhere within the lot, and not at their assigned space. In addition, there
were vehicles taking up too much space.

The 'handicapped' parking suffered similar problems. There were problems with
people parking anywhere within the spaces, and not in their specific slot. The
designated area up in the main parking had people with handicapped tags going
ahead and parking there, unaware that they needed to check thru handicap

Some of the trouble here was informational - people not knowing the rules that
had been established for the different areas. There were also physical
problems: posts/signs marking the parking areas were knocked down and not
readily replaced, and were hard to read in the dark (the signs designating
handicap spots were small, and used black on blue.....not even following a
basic rule of heraldry there!).

I heard of at least one case where a car was vandalized - presumably over
these parking problems.

Anyway, I am not so much to be critical as to be educational.....these are
difficulties that we should be aware of in order to improve upon the system
for future events.
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