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Re: Too many egos in charge

Poster: ASmith@psc.gov (Alan Smith)

     Mistress Lyanna,
     Now that TRM Timothy and Gabrielle's letter has been posted to this 
     list, it seems to me that they marched off of the field for good 
     reason.  It was not due to real or percieved insults.  I've known HRM 
     Timothy for a long time (admittedly not very closely) but that just 
     doesn't match his style.
     According to what I saw on the bridge, and to what I've read in TRM's 
     letter, the Eastern army was pulled off of the field because the 
     nature of the contest seemed to have changed.  It would appear that a 
     marshall's court ruling was being ignored, and HRH Dag was saying that 
     the Middle was there to win.  In light of these two adamantly stated 
     opinions, it was the better part of valor to leave a game whose rules 
     had just become unclear.
     That's not ego talking, that's a concern for the game, for Jafar's 
     memory, even for safety.
     On the other hand, bring on all the period rallying cries you want!  
     I'll shout 'em lustily along with you!
     "Once more unto the breach!"
     Alan Gravesend
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