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Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call

Poster: ginevra@bellsouth.net

>Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>
>> n Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Michael Ruttle wrote:
>> > Liam Neilson as Strider?
>> Liam Neeson?  Hmm.  I think he'd be better as Boromir -- he's got awful
>> broad shoulders.  But he'd work fine as Strider too.
>> Who's the actor who played Sharpe in the Sharpe's Battles series on PBS?
>> He also played the IRA villain "Sean" against Harrison Ford in one of the
>> Tom Clancy flicks whose name I forget (but I liked the film).  Sean Bean
>> maybe?  Anyway, he'd make an excellent Strider -- he can easily look as
>> vicious and disreputable as the initial view of him in the Prancing Pony
>> in Bree, and as tough as nails through the middle, and still become the
>> noble leader revealed at the end.
>> Dafydd
>He would be excellent!  Or perhaps even Sean Pertwee (the first Sheriff in
>the Cadfael series) .  I agree, though, Sean Bean has that look about him.

How about Tim Curry as Gollum.  Now he can do slimy to the hilt.
or Martin Short?
Tom Bombadil?- the actor who plays Friar Tuck in Costner's
Robin Hood.  Boromir?-the actor who played Little John in Costner's
Robin Hood.  Anybody but Costner.
For Saruman-Patrick Mcgoohan.
Sophie Marceau -Arwen the Elf-princess
Catherine Deneuve for Galadrial, an older beauty.
Elrond? Possibly David Bowie- he is older now.
Anthony Hopkins in any role???


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