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Re: Crying in your beer/mead/drink....

Poster: Julien de Montfort <julien@spiaggia.org>

> << Are we more akin to the LARPS but just with tighter criteria?
> >>
> Pray, who or what is LARPS?

"Live Action Role Playing."  Kinda like Dungeons and Dragons (or any
number of other 'pretend you're somebody else' genres) played in the
round, with costumes, props, physical locations to 'adventure' in, and
the like.


Seigneur Julien de Montfort                  De sable, seme d'hermines
"Solum Dice Nullus Sunt Suficio"             d'or, tres amphorae et un
Seneschal, Web Minister, Herald@large            caid palissade argent
Canton de Spiaggia Levantina                   http://www.spiaggia.org
Bright Hills, Atlantia                             julien@spiaggia.org
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