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Re: Tally Who?

Poster: Bobbe Herman <zitad@mindspring.com>

Well, since you've never been to Pennsic, I guess you can't answer this...
but I was wondering which is the best to go to, Gulf Wars or Pennsic?  As a
combat archer, Gulf wars looked best, but I've heard they are letting
Combat archers in the Pennsic battles.  
Please tell me some of Gulf Wars.


At 01:30 PM 8/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: "Terri Morris" <TerriMorris@kemet.com>
>Hi Steffan!
>Like you, I sit in the corner and mostly just listen.  I have never been to
>Pennsic (but I do normally go to Gulf Wars.)
>-Lady Sorcha the Red.
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