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Re: Hey Eldred! :o)

Poster: Eldred@concentric.net

> > <Eldred glances at these strange articles William is toying with and
> > thinks,  'What a strange little metal barrel', and also wonders why
> > William is playing with a model of a winch for the portcullis....>
> > 
> > What's in the that thing you brought from France?  8^)
> > 
> 	<William innocently looks up and replies>
> 	I'm trying to lose weight, and this is the program food plan.  I
> thought everyone had heard of..................
> 	<drumroll>
> 	............the Diet of Worms!

<Eyebrow arched, Eldred replies>

If you weren't already on a diet, I would say unto you, 'Bad, William!  No

> 	William, whose first instinct is to duck and run, but desides to
> stand at the barrier and wait for the onslaught.

Wait for it!

<calmly sipping his mead>
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