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Re: Roquelaure

Poster: "Joyce A. Baldwin" <jocetta@ibm.net>

At 03:04 PM 8/11/98 EDT, AlysounA@aol.com wrote:
>Poster: AlysounA@aol.com
>I do not know if the word roquelaure was ever used as a name for a person
>before Anne Rice chose to so use it, but wasn't that the name for a
garment or
>accessory used at masquerades in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?

Indeed, my "Cassell's New French Dictionary" says:  Roquelaure (cloak).

(who just happens to have her French dictionary with her as she sips her
cider among the many gentles here who have not gone to Pennsic)
Joyce A. Baldwin
Diva Extraordinaire

In the Society for Creative Anachronism:
Lady Jocetta Thrushleigh of Rowansgarth
Exchequer, Canton of Buckston on Eno
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