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RE: Arms and Awards

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

Alianora are you there?  You might remember the
conversation about this.  It seems to me there was a
letter in TI about this.  Something about how SCA folk
were wearing their SCA devices in public (on car windows
and such) in Scotland or somewhere and various locals getting
very angry about it because it implied something or other.  
Was that a vague enough answer?  I don't believe I have the
TI letter that discussed the issue any more.  If anybody
remembers it might help clarify why...


-----Original Message-----
From: Gina [mailto:rhiannonofberra@mindspring.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 1998 1:21 PM
To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Arms and Awards

Poster: Gina <rhiannonofberra@mindspring.com>

okay.. I'm gonna get out the stirring stick again and ask another
question. (I'll run and hide for a while after this one, I promise!!)

I was reading a piece of email posted to the merry rose when I saw this:

In that case, the OHH conflicts with the arms of
Lithuania (Gu. a knight armed cap-a-pie mounted on a horse arg.
brandishing a sword ppr. and maintaining a shield az. charged
with a patriarchal cross or)

Something has been bothering since I joined the SCA and I feel a need to
re-ask the age-old question.... I have to ask why it matters if an SCA
device conflicts with a real modern day device?

Are we talking about copyright problems, or something similar?  

I doubt very seriously some king/prince/duke or whatever from a foreign
government (or someone outside the SCA) is going to get his/her kickers
in a bunch over Duke Sir Bigstick having a device that's the same as the
one hanging in the hall.  I should think there are more important things
to be concerned with.  And if there were a problem, the one with the
"real" one, wins.

Just my two cents worth, for what it's worth
(which probably isn't very much)

rhiannon of berra
(no AOA, no nothing, but a really nice person--honest!)
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