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Poster: clevin@ripco.com (Craig Levin)

> Poster: "Tristan Roquelaure Looney" <barderic@mailcity.com>

> I have made my finaly decision for a name, after some research, and some reading.
> "Tristan Roquelarue Looney", if it is acceptable, shall be my perminant name.

In general, middle names of the type you'd like to use aren't
typical of Anglicized Irish (or generally English) names from the
latter part of the Middle Ages.

> Yes, my last name here IS my "real" last name, but I have researched and 
> found it to be a Munster name mainly found in County Clare ("The Surnames of 
> Ireland" by Edward MacLysagh, Irish University Press, 1973), and originally 
> derived from the Galic name "O'Luanaigh," which was derived from the first 
> name "Lauanach," which was derived from the word "luan," which means 
> "warrior"

MacLysaght is an excellent source for Irish names.

> My first and middle names have been taken from the Sleeping Beauty series by 
> Anne Rice ("The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty", "Beauty's Punishment", and 
> "Beauty's Release"), from which the first name DOES sound period, would't 
> you agree, and the middle name I was just amourous (sp?) for (Anne Rice 
> wrote under the name "A.N. Roquelaure", and I LOVE the way it sounds, don't 
> you?).

Generally, the College of Heralds prefers a non-fiction source
for name research, when not a period source. However, Tristan is
rather trivial to document. Roquelaure, as a name element, will
probably not be possible to document; should you wish to register
your name, you will have to drop it if it is not documentable.

> Now, if someone would be so kind as to tell me how I may have it approved??

Contact your local herald. If you're in Storvik, that's me.

In Service,

Dom Pedro de Alcazar
Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Storvik Pursuivant
Argent, a tower purpure between 3 bunches of grapes proper

Craig Levin
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