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movin' times!

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

Greetings Atlantia from Rebecca!

A couple of you have heard that I had put an offer on a house just
before Pennsic.  Yesterday after much signing we closed the
deal and I am now a home owner.  What does this mean to you?
Well if you're ever at the intersection of I77 and I40 you have a place
to crash for the evening.  (Would you like door #2, door #3 or the
basement? <G>) If you're interested in scribing or scribing-related
stuff you will eventually have a new address to use for contacting me.
For the next couple of months though I intend to maintain use of the PO Box
and that will continue to be my address in regnum. 

		Lady Rebecca the Contrary
		c/o Becky McEllistrem
		PO Box 19871 Charlotte NC 28219

Of course my phone number has changed and my new number will be:

		(704) 924-9236

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