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Re: Thrusts to the Side of the Head
Poster: vtaltos@earthlink.net
I am afraid I must agree with His Grace's opinion. Good gentle, think on it
this way, the thrust from a 9 foot spear, IMHO, is both more forceful and less
controlled than most Duke's killer flat snaps. A snap is both clean, and sharp,
and while having a nice ring and impact, rarely extend far thru the target. A
spear thrust, done at the end of one's reach, usually has only 1 hand guiding it,
has the entire body weight behind it, ..shall I go on? I'm not a big fan of face
thrusts in general, but I am a humble fighter who simply plays by the rules and
does his best. Besides..the armor we're considered to be wearing would, as
pointed out in previous posts, be proof against such a thrust. Making such a
blow to be considered non-telling, typically will prevent a fighter from throwing
to that area. Besides, consistently throwing an unsafe blow will usually earn a
talking-to from the marshals. Translation: don't throw it. End result, my neck
don't hurt...
Unless I get too close to the Dukes and don't block that wrap.
Logan & Arielle wrote:
> Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>
> Ok lets go with your idea that moving your head, no matter which way, to avoid
> a face thrust is like lifting your leg to avoid a leg blow. I just want to
> know who you think is going to make that call? If a spearman thrusts at my
> face and I move my head to cause the blow to glance/miss, are you going to
> come in saying "I know for a fact that Logan tilted/turned his head so that
> the thrust would land on an area that is impervious to thrusts. Therefore he
> is dead!". I certainly would never put myself in a situation like that as it
> is totally impracticable. The ruling is a good one that not only has the
> sense of realism, but does indeed provide a level of safety. If thrusting to
> the side of the head will achieve nothing for you against your opponent, you
> (being most people in this case) won't waste your time with it. I don't see
> too many fighters out there beating the crap out of the middle of someone's
> shield.
> Duke Logan
> Mike Ward wrote:
> > Poster: Mike Ward <mward2@polaris.umuc.edu>
> >
> > Fighters and Marshalls,
> >
> > This rule (4.E.) does not reduce the safety concerns in this matter at
> > all. It does not prevent fighters from thrusting to the head, but only
> > allows the recipient to ignore a shot that lands there, regardless of
> > power or accuracy.
> >
> > As for those who would use this rule to avoid a face
> > thrust, I think a solution can be found in the way we deal
> > with fighters moving non-eliglible targets (hands and lower legs)into
> > the target area, then the shot will still count where it lands, if it is a
> > telling blow. This way, sneaks who try to avoid
> > death by looking away will get what they deserve, and others will not get
> > blind sided.
> > However this is only a solution to the problem that the rule itself has
> > created.
> >
> > Do not confuse this head turning action with with dodging and
> > causing glancing shots, this will still happen. The problem is
> > substituting an area that can't have a telling blow for one that can.
> >
> > This rule does not contribute to the safety or enjoyment of the sport, and
> > it should be reconsidered if it is necessary or even beneficial.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Smegmar
> >
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