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[STEPS] Re: [YI]: FW: [SCA-WEST:2556] The Song of
Poster: SvancaraLJ@worldnet.att.net
I found this wonderful ditty in my mail from the youth issues forum. I
that I would share this with the rest of those that I hear from! Enjoy...
In Service,
Alexandria Sylverhawke
> The Song of the Page School
> (To the same tune as the Kipling poem,
> "We are the Little Folk" (Pict Song).)
> You never look where we've led.
> We have to come when you call.
> You pat us on top of our head.
> Then you say we are too small.
> We are your children, that's all
> Not halflings, or munchkins, or such.
> And we would like to play ball
> Is that requesting so much?
> Chorus:
> We are the little folk, we.
> Too little to have any say.
> But leave us alone and you'll see.
> How we will laugh as we play.
> Squirrels perched high on a twig.
> Swallows aloft in the sky
> Puppies that tumble and dig
> Otters so clever and spry.
> They play, and we want to know why,
> Why are we pent in this school,
> Learning "be still" or "reply"
> Or how to behave as a Fool.
> Chorus
> Yes, we will work if we may.
> We'll carry and fetch with great zeal,
> And patiently wait all the day
> If what we're doing is real.
> You work, but you're here to have fun
> And we want to be just like you.
> You dance and you fight in the sun
> And we want to play as you do.
> Chorus
> --Frederick of Holland
> Bard of the Mists
> August, XXVI
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