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Re: Crusades promotions

Poster: James Gilly / Alasdair mac Iain <alasdair.maciain@snet.net>

At 08:36 15-10-98 -0400, Rhiannon wrote:
>O.k., I gotta ask...
>Did anyone else receive SIX copies of each of Niall's and Byrum's posts??? 
>Or is something on the fritz with my own ISP?

Hey - I only got three copies of each.  I feel deprived....

Alasdair mac Iain
1263 days....

Laird Alasdair mac Iain of Elderslie
Dun an Leomhain Bhig
Canton of Dragon's Aerie, Barony Beyond the Mountain
East Kingdom
-------   -------   -------
Argent, a chevron cotised azure surmounted by a sword and in chief two
mullets sable
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