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Re: Sumptuary Laws

Poster: JBRMM266@aol.com

In a message dated 98-10-16 20:07:48 EDT, rjwelenc@erols.com writes:

<<  . . . there was mention on SCAHRLDS this week that a friend was hassled by
an Atlantian seneschale over her new purple garb.  She was told that purple
was a restricted color.  I see nothing in kingdom law about it; anybody know
where this apparent Urban Legend came from? >>

It is a persistent belief, probably based on the vague idea many have of the
"royal purple".  I can recall repeatedly assuring folks that "purpure" is free
for all to use in their heraldry, that it is not restricted to royals.

~Donal Mac Ruiseart
whose recollections go back to A.S. VIII
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