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Re: Kingdom Crusades, "kid stuff", part one
Poster: Greg Glewwe <glewweg@erols.com>
At 02:03 AM 10/28/98 -0500, you wrote:
> Thanks Alasdair. I was hoping that someone would take up the challenge
>and post some other ideas - but no one did.
Greetings from Katherine Sharpe...
Sorry to have been slow on the up take...there are days I barely get a
chance to look at e-mail (and days my husband looks at it and starts
deleting files). It is amazing how many ideas get started when folks start
thinking about children's activities. We have a wonderful lady in our shire
who enjoys working with the kids and has designed a living chess-type
trivia game for older kids. I don't know all the details about it. She is
usually at local events (and of course at Highland Foorde events). I have
also made costuming flash cards where younger kids match the cards and
older kids learn the different time periods and names of articles of
clothing and accessories. A Felt Heraldry Board is presently in my
possession. Basic shapes and some charges are cut out of appropriate colors
and can be combined to make devices and learn the terms. Role playing drama
play can be set up with particular situations in which the children play
characters and are given a situation to act out in which they used correct
SCA titles and some period speach...this occurs after a little workshop on
SCA protocal...Grace and Manners...what ever you'd like to title it.
When I was Minister of Children for the Barony of the Steppes, Ansteorra
(many, many years ago) I outlined a possible badge earning program,
inspired by the Girl Scout and Boy Scout programs. It never developed. I
will present the idea after Twelfth Night to Bran and if there is interest
I would be willing to develop it.
With a bit a creative thinnking one can give almost any modern activity a
period twist. I always found the most difficult part of organizing
activities for children...getting volunteers. Any suggestions?
In service to our future,
Katherine Sharpe
Shire of Highland Foorde
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