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RE: cool site

Poster: gregory.stapleton@funb.com

I had the privilege of spending an afternoon with this gentleman.  He is a
fantastic craftsman and his shop in the Armoury is quite incredible.  At
that time, he was talking about doing a video demonstrating the craft, but I
haven't checked to see if he was ever able to do it.  His and his worker's
work is some of the best I've ever seen.

Lord Gawain Kilgore

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	marybeth lavrakas [SMTP:Marybeth_Lavrakas@med.unc.edu]
> Sent:	Monday, November 02, 1998 12:01 PM
> To:	windmasters@netwharf.com; atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> Subject:	cool site
> Poster: marybeth lavrakas <Marybeth_Lavrakas@med.unc.edu>
> Greetings, all,
> I recommend the Royal Armouries site if you've got time to kill (er, no
> puns intended) http://www.armouries.org.uk.  They've got special pages
> devoted to the Battle of Towton (1461), including nice photos of
> medieval armour and weapons (and shots of the battlefield today).  Also
> check out the link to "Bjarni's Boots", a hyper-authenticity producer of
> medieval/early modern leather goods.  It's proably a good thing they
> don't have a sales link up yet...I am lusting after their leather
> inkwell already!  And don't get me started on the shoes!
> If only I had the time/money to take advantage of the great fares to
> London this fall...(sigh)
> Kathryn Rous
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