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Addressing Titles (mundanely)

Poster: EoganOg@aol.com

Diand Cosby asked me a question I am unsure of, so I thought I woul dpost my
reply to this list in case anyone had any better information.

She wanted to know how a lady would address a knight in and around 13th
century Scotland.  I know how such titles are addressed in *modern day*
Scotland but I do not know how they may have changed over the centuries.  So I
will give what information I know and if anyone has any better sources for
more period titles, please let us know.

That being said, the following does NOT apply to how we address people with
SCA titles.

For a knight, since that was the question asked, we will use the made up name
of Sir Malcolm Innes of Mull (no such person actually exists).  The proper
ways of addressing him would be either by his territorial title of "Mull" or
as "Sir Malcolm" or "Sir Malcolm Innes."  Sir Innes or Sir Mull are incorrect.
He may have a preference over which he preferrs himself.  Otherwise, either is
correct.  If Sir Malcolm had a wife, she would be Lady Innes.  If Sir Malcolm
also happened to be cheif of clan Innes, he could be referred to as simpley
"the Innes" but we don't need to go into that here.

Now we move on to other ranks...  A Duke is referred to as "Your Grace" in
formal occasions.  A less formal way would be to reffer to him or her as
"Duke" or "Duchess."

Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, and Lords are all referred to as "Lord (blank)"
where blank is their territorial title, not their name.  We will use as an
example the late Gordon Teall, Laird of Teallach.  The proper way to address
him would have been as Lord (or Laird) Teallach, not Lord Teal.  If you use a
given name with a title it comes before the "lord."  This is where we get
George Gordon Lord Byron.  "My Lord" and "My Lady" are also formal ways of
address, indicating subservience.

One other footnote:  one thing you see in Scottish titles is the appellation
"of that Ilk."  This simply means "of the same."  So (to use an example from
TV), Duncan MacLeod of MacLeod is simply "Duncan Macleod of that Ilk."

As I said before, this is all true in modern Scotland.  If anyone knows of a
more period reference, please let me know.

Eogan Og
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