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Poster: "Mohajerin, Leila" <mohaj001@onyx.dcri.duke.edu>

> Kappellenberg(Chapel Hill, NC) has agreed to do several demos in the
> next few weeks.  We are DESPERATELY in need of people who can do
> something at them.  Both of these are Friday, lunch time events.
> Things to do include fighters, dancers, weavers & spinners, musicians,
> bards, other craftsmen, people to just look pretty....just about
> anything!
> The first is on Friday, Nov. 6 on the UNC campus in Chapel Hill from
> 11-1.  We are especially in need of heavy fighters and any other sort
> of performance attention catching people.  This is to make ourselves
> more visible and hopefully gain new members.  
> The second demo is at Durham Academy on Friday, Nov. 13.  This is to
> help the 6th graders with their Medieval Studies unit. We would like
> to have the same kind of attention catching people, but also will have
> the floor to present information and talk about crafts, history, etc. 
> If you can help, or know someone off line who you think can help,
> PLEASE contact me at either this email address, or my home account
> (sveva@juno.com). Or call (919) 309-0236.
> Thank you all!
Sveva la Lucciola
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