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Spinning & Weaving

Poster: "Doherty, Jennifer" <Jdoherty@opic.gov>

Greetings to the Merry Rose!

I was asked to forward this to you as the originator was having trouble
sending to you.  We thank you for your kind attention!


Anna MacKenzie
Barony of the Bright Hills
K. of Atlantia

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Chris Mayer [SMTP:csminter@hickory.net]
> Sent:	Monday, November 09, 1998 9:46 AM
> To:	Doherty, Jennifer
> Subject:	From Julitta
> Dear Merry Rose,
>     Would someone be so kind, as to guide me to the web pages for spinning
> &
> weaving stuff?  Please e-mail me directly.  Your help is greatly
> appreciated.
> Julitta
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