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Poster: "Michael Jeffrey Looney" <barderic@mailcity.com>

I can't remember who wanted this, and I'm sorry for useing the broad range to send this out.
I hope that whomever wanted it will find it, and everyone else will enjoy it.
Here's the story I've been promiseing to send out forever!
It's in the original Scottich writing.
Please enjoy.


   "The Battle of Bannockburn"
     John Barbour (1320?-1395)

There was the battle sticken weill;
So great upon dinning there was of dyntis
As wapnys upon armour stinis,
And if spearis so great bristing,
Which sic thrawing and sic thristing,
Sic grirning, granyng, and so great
A noise, as they can other beat,
And cryit ensenyeis on everilk side,
Gifand and takand woundis wide,
That it was hiedeous for till her
All four the battles, wicht that wree,
Fechtand in-till ae front wholly.

Almichty God!  Full douchtely
Sir Edward the Bruce and his men
Amang their fais cntenyt them then,
Fechtand into sa good covyne
So hardy, worthy, and so fine,
That their avaward rushit was
And, maugre theiris, left the place,
ANd to their great rout to warrend
THey went, that then had upon hand
So great not, that they were effrayit,
For scottis men then hard assayit,
The then war is ane shiltrom all.
Wha happnit in that ficht to fall,
I trow again he suld not rise.
There men micht see on mony wise
Hardiment eschevit doughtely.
And money that wicht were and hardy
Doun under feet layand all dede,
whar all the field of blood was red.
Armouris and quyntis that they bare
With blood esd swa defoulit there,
That they micht nocht discovit be.

Ah!  Michty God!  wha then micht see
The steward Walter and his rout
And the good Douglas that was stout
Fechtand into the stalwart stour
He suld say that till all honour
They wr worthy, that in that ficht
Sa fast pressit their fais micht
That they them rushit whar they yeid
There micht men see full many a steed
Fleand on stray, that lord had nane.
Ah! lord!  qua than good tent had tane
To the good Earl of Murreff,
ANd his, that swa great routis gaf,
And faucht so fast in tha battale
Tholand sic pain and sic travail,
That that and theieis made sic debate,
That where they cme, they made then gait!
Then men micht hear ensenyeis cry,
And Scottis men cry hardely,
'On them!  On them!  On them!  they fail!'
With that so hard they can assail,
And slew all that they micht owre-ta
And the Scottis archers alsua
Shot amang them so sturdely,
Ingrevand them so gretumly,
That what for them that with them faucht,
And swa great routis to them raught,
And pressit them full eagerly,
And what for arrows that felly
Mony great woundis can them ma,
And slew fast of their horse alsua,
That they vandist a little way;
They dread so greatly then til dee,
That their covyne was war then ere
Fot ehy that with them fechtand were
Set hardyment and strength, and will,
With heart and courage als there-till,
And alltheir main and all their micht,
To put then foully to the flicht.

(Originally: "The Bruse, Book XIII, 11. 152-224.)

Tristin de Roquelaure ("idiot savant")
Kingdon of Atlantia
Barony of the Windmaster's Hill
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
"Als thai haf wryten and sayd
Haf I alle in myn Inglis layd,
In symple speechs as I couthe,
That is lightest in manne's mouthe.
Alle for the luf of symple men,
That strange Inglis cannot ken."

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