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KMoAS December Acorn Letter

Poster: Jen Thies <jthies@polaris.umuc.edu>

Unto the gentles of the Kingdom of Atlantia does Genevieve d'Aquitaine
send warm greetings on this chilly evening.

I pray that each of you continue to be well as the days progressively
get colder.  My first order of business is that I need to request bids
for the Next Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival to be held this summer.
The possible weekends to hold this most prestigious event are the first
in June or the second in July.  I am searching for a site with a lot of
indoor space; one large room, several smaller classrooms and a Royal
room, and most importantly air conditioning.  If you and your group
would be interested in holding this event that will draw artisans from
all over the Kingdom, please contact me personally.  My information is
in the Regnum.

Next I would like to reiterate that the Dressed to Excess competition to
be held at Kingdom Twelfth Night will be for accessories including
jewelry, gloves and pouches; but not hats or shoes as that has already
been done in previous years.  If you have any questions about this
competition, please contact me.

I must also mention that I was very impressed with the quality of the
entrants in the Roll of Arms competition that was held at Crown
Tourney.  Master Bran's poem was inspiring, and the tag team scribes'
work was breathtaking as well.  Please make a point to view the Roll of
Arms book that will be on display at Twelfth Night.  If you have any
questions or comments about this competition that is run at each and
every Crown, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Have a fabulous holiday season, and I hope to see you all at Kingdom
Twelfth Night in January.  Until then, keep well.

In Service,
Genevieve d'Aquitaine


  "May you have the strength to enjoy your weaknesses."
  -Florence Edwards

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