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RE: Demo suggestions

Poster: "Mohajerin, Leila" <mohaj001@onyx.dcri.duke.edu>

We just had a demo on the UNC Chapel Hill Campus last Friday, so I
thought I would try to respond to your query.

First of all, do you plan to have your demo in a high traffic area?
This is good for catching people who ordinarily would not go out of
their way to see you, but it does mean you need to plan some sort of
bystander/walker control.  We posted several people around the fighting
area to steer people around the fighting, but someone always barrels
right through, and then get pissed if the fighters come to close to
them!  If you have any way of putting up ropes or railings, like saw
horses, I would recommend it.  

Other things to consider is an information table.  You should have
something for people to sign if they are interested.  A legal pad with
the headers: Name, Address, Phone, and Email will suffice.  It also
helps if one or two of your current members put their own information on
this, since no one wants to be the first. You must have someone get back
to these people very quickly (within 2 weeks)
You should have a flyer to give them that tells them what the SCA is,
when and where you meet, and how to contact you.  Pass these out to
people who are INTERESTED.  (Our campus has started issuing fines to
groups who's flyers are found flying around on the ground.)  I will send
you the verbal part of our most recent flyer.  It has spaces because I
copied pictures and spiced it up a bit. These are not hard to make and
you can run down to the copy center and print a bunch out on pretty
colored paper.  Save the receipts for your Exchequer because these are
legitimate expenses and should not come out of anyone's personal pocket.
Also on this table could go TI's, photo album, games, mugs and such.
Another thing is information on events that are approaching that are
close by and people might be interested in checking out.  (How far is
Gastonia from you?  They are hosting Feast of Winter Solstice on
December 12th) This gives people a definite goal to aim for.

Okay, what to actually do... Have as manner banners and eye catching
stuff as you can.  If your people have lots of static stuff that can be
displayed, have it out on a table for people to view.  Fighters are
always good because they are loud, and very attention getting!  It is
good if you have a "color" person to give the play by play as they are
fighting.  Another cool thing is a dance.  There are many that don't
involve many people and look very pretty.  You must get a loud boom box
for this.  This last week, the tape player that is just fine in our
enclosed dance practice could hardly be heard over the regular outside
noise...and I mean hardly heard by the dancers!  I am sure none of the
audience could hear it at all.  Even better is if you can get musicians,
but if your group is very small I personally feel it is better to get
the moving bodies out there dancing.  Bag pipers however always attract
a crowd!  How can they avoid not looking at the atrocious
noisemaker!!!(Just kidding Bryn)

I am sure there are plenty of other ideas people have out there. 
I hope all goes well!  After all, recruitment is faster than breeding!
(personal thoughts of)
Lady Sveva la Lucciola

> From: 	lp12546@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU[SMTP:lp12546@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU]
> Reply To: 	lp12546@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU
> Sent: 	Monday, October 26, 1998 4:09 PM
> To: 	atlantia@atlantia.org
> Subject: 	Re: Demo suggestions
> Poster: lp12546@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU
> Greetings to all,
> 	We have a small group here in the far western corner of NC at
> Western Carolina Univ. and we are planning a demo to hopefully
> increase
> our numbers.  I've never put on a demo before, so I was hoping to get
> some
> suggestions from those here in the tavern.  We have about 7-10
> semi-active
> members (we're ALL in school) and are planning on having the demo on
> Nov.
> 21 (the weekend before Thanksgiving).  Plus, I would like to invite
> anyone
> and everyone to come and help out (especially heavy fighters, as we
> don't
> have any).  We do have a large field and/or a gym that could be
> reserved
> for us.  I'm not real sure what else I will need to consider.  
> 	Please respond privatly.  Thank you in advance.
> In service,
> Brighid Ni Chillin
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