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Past Tents?

Poster: Julien de Montfort <julien@spiaggia.org>


Iwas wondering if anyone has heard or done business with a tentmaking
company out of England called "Past Tents?"    They seem to have some
reasonable rates and decent workmanship through what little I can tell
by the catalog, and so I thought I'd see if there were any
testimonials, good or bad, out there I could use to make a purchasing
decision with.


Seigneur Julien de Montfort                  De sable, seme d'hermines
"Solum Dice Nullus Sunt Suficio"             d'or, tres amphorae et un
Seneschal, Web Minister, pursuivant@large        caid palissade argent
Canton de Spiaggia Levantina                   http://www.spiaggia.org
Bright Hills, Atlantia                             julien@spiaggia.org
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