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Re: Question

Poster: CamerHend@aol.com

     In regards to the gentle who was asking about the Atlantian blue seahorse
worn by many fighters on the battle field, I can answer your question.

     The sticker is worn by Atlantian fighters too assist in recognizing other
Atlantian fighters on the battle field.  The idea was formed a few years ago,
by Lord Sean Delamare, of House Blackspear, and has spread throughout the
kingdom.  Depending on which side Atlantia fights at Pennsic, would show
whether the seahorses are red, or blue.  Its a very popular item, up here in
the Barony of Storvik.

     They are a popular item, and my Lord Sean sometimes runs out of these
noble little seahorses, but, if my memory serves me correct, we still have a
few running around the house.  If you would like to add this to your armor,
just give us a holler!  They are 2 for $1.00, which covers the costs to make

     Feel free to E mail me with our request, and I'll snail mail them on out.
Or, if you attend any fighter practice, or event, and see any member of House
Blackspear, pass the word along, and Lord Sean will head them your direction.

Lady Meiurghreil McLelland
House Blackspear
Barony of Storvik
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