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Defence, adn let's end it.

Poster: "Michael Jeffrey Looney" <barderic@mailcity.com>

>In fact, by *not* bothering to check up on random or otherwise suspect emails that come along, one is participating in no more than idle gossip and rumor, which is also the spreading of information without checking up on it.<

When I saw it, 1.  I didn't know HOW to check it, and still not sure, and 2.  I had a friend my semester at Averett College that fell into a nest of coperheads (I beleive), and was in the hospital for a while b/c of it.
Weather it is a true story or not, I still wanted there ot be that worning out there that just b/c it's getting cold and winter is appraching doesn't mean we're absolutely safe from a lot of the things that are "hibernating" this season, snakes in particular.
I'm sorry it's just "urban legond", but I'd rather have it be a false story and people be cautious than to have it be ture and see something happen that I could have possibly prevented.
Personally, I feel EXTREMELY guilty if even the SMALEST thing happenes that I can/could ahve prevented/warned about.

(who didn't think it woudl become a najor topic on here)
Tristin de Roquelaure ("idiot savant")
Kingdon of Atlantia
Barony of the Windmaster's Hill
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
"Als thai haf wryten and sayd
Haf I alle in myn Inglis layd,
In symple speechs as I couthe,
That is lightest in manne's mouthe.
Alle for the luf of symple men,
That strange Inglis cannot ken."

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