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Proteges: New E-Mail List

Poster: Fiadnata o Gleann Alainn <pcr-fiadnata@ic.net>

Greetings to all who come to read this.

The proteges of the Known World are invited to join a new e-mail
list now being formed -- a Pelican-free list where topics of interest
to all proteges are being discussed:  what can we learn from our
Pelicans, relationships within the protege's household, what you
promised your Pelican/your Pelican promised you when you
were protegeed, the nature of Peerage, etc.

To subscribe to ProtoNet, e-mail Lady Fiadnata o Gleann Alainn at:


Put "ProtoNet" in the Subject line and include:

		Your name
		Your Pelican's name
		Your Kingdom
		Your local group name

Thank you for your indulgence here. We look forward to many
interesting discussions in our Virtual Circle.

Lady Fiadnata o Gleann Alainn, APF, OW, ODH
protegee to Master Brusten de Bearsul, OP, OL, etc.
Cynnabar, Middle Kingdom

List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org