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Re: Suspension of Certain Combat Arrows

Poster: Julien de Montfort <julien@spiaggia.org>

> > Ahh! Quite possible, but wouldn't the fletching also keep the end
> > coming all the way through?
> No.
> Feather fletching will easily bend the wrong way under any significant
> pressure. Even plastic fletching is made to fold to the side slightly
> get out of the way of obstacles.

And even beyond that, I doubt most fletching is of sufficient diameter
to prevent a nock from entering a grill even if they were not flexible.


Seigneur Julien de Montfort                  De sable, seme d'hermines
"Solum Dice Nullus Sunt Suficio"             d'or, tres amphorae et un
Seneschal, Web Minister, pursuivant@large        caid palissade argent
Canton de Spiaggia Levantina                   http://www.spiaggia.org
Bright Hills, Atlantia                             julien@spiaggia.org
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