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Re: Suspension of Certain Combat Arrows

Poster: "Greg Sackett" <gregsackett@radix.net>

In an effort to calm people down a bit, I will offer the observation 
that there really aren't many (if any?) large events in which combat 
archery is likely to be present with large numbers of heavies in 
formation.  Therefore, this would appear to be a good time to conduct 
such investigations.  

Whether or not (hopefully not) Baldar arrows are banned from armored 
combat, I would like to extend an invitation to all combat archers to 
come play with us rapier fighters.  We love you guys!  We don't have 
any problems with bounce-backs, and we move alot faster and are more 
of a challenge to hit...  And if you authorize rapier also, you get 
to hit us with a rapier if we get too close.  Great fun!


Gregor (got the baldar's at Pennsic, I should get around to 
making arrows sometime)M'Gregor 
Free Scholar, Academie d'Espee
Greg Sackett
Health Physicist
Enercon Services, Inc.
(301) 972-5221
Texas A&M University, Class of '93, '95
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