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Re: glasses, combat archery and helmets

Poster: Shawn Riggin <sriggi1@gl.umbc.edu>

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998 jsrechts@imap.unc.edu wrote:

> Poster: jsrechts@imap.unc.edu
> With all the talk of safety glasses and combat archery I will add a
> further twist.  Not every helmet will
> accomodate the extra bulk of safety glasses, even if you tried to stuff
> them in there and adjust the padding.
> This of course, causes the additional headache of checking your budget
> to see if you can afford a new helmet.
> Lyanna

True, not every helm could fit saftey glasses, but what about a removeable
mesh that you could just slip into your helmet underneath the grillwork or
eyeslot.  If done properly, you shouldn't even notice that the mesh is


Mundanely:   Shawn M. Riggin                 
In The SCA:  Morgan Wainwright                         "Quarterly argent
             Man-at-Arms to Lord Kaloc von Zwechel      and sable, a wheel
             Canton of Spiaggia Levantina               counterchanged."
             Kingdom of Atlantia                   

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