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Fwd: EK: Butler county Red Cross
Poster: Carol Karcheski <cskarcheski@yahoo.com>
---Selena J Conroy <selenada@juno.com> wrote:
> -Poster: selenada@juno.com (Selena J Conroy)
> Hello,
> Actually, they already help us every year. The American Red Cross
> Chapter in Butler allows out of chapter ARC instructors to teach
tons of
> CPR and First Aid classes through their chapter with a wave, a nod
and on
> the word of a person they have dealt with for a few years in the
> They also send our paper work through very quickly so people can take
> classes and walk away with cards at Pennsic. This allows for
> and re-trainings to take place enmass the first few days of Pennsic.
> Class sign ups are at Chirurgeon's Point. Not every one who takes
> classes is a chirurgeon. If you can, this a worthy cause.
> Baroness Selena d'Ambra
> Master Chirurgeon
> mka Selena Conroy
> American Red Cross Instructor
-Poster: Carol Karcheski <cskarcheski@yahoo.com>
Hi, everyone! A bit more information at the bottom of the earlier
> I realize this may be a bit off topic, but, I found this article this
> morning. It seems to me that, while we only spend 2 weeks a year in
> Butler, if anything REALLY BAD ever happened during Pennsic, these
> would probably be some of the first people to respond. Is there
> anything that we could do for these folks?>
> If someone with the correct addy's could forward this to the Rialto
> and the other Kingdom's NG's, I'd appreciate it.> > Alixandara
> > > Yahoo! News Pennsylvania Headlines
> > > Wednesday November 18 3:12 PM ET
> > Fires Drain Red Cross - (BUTLER) -- The Butler County chapter of the
> American Red Cross is feeling the pinch of a recent wave of house
> fires. Nearly two dozen blazes during the past week have placed a
> heavier than normal demand on their local disaster relief fund.
> Officials say they had to dip into money intended to stretch through
> the middle of next year. Emergency responders and relief agencies in
> Butler County are coping with an unexplainably high number of fall
> house fires.
The addy and phone number:
American Red Cross
Butler County Chapter
312 Mercer StreetButler, PA 16001
(412) 283-2810
Alixandara Cupbearer
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