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Re: Warning: straying way off-topic! (Was Re: Curved plywood for shields.)

Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>


Um, okay, could someone actually tell us what the destroyer novels are?  Is
there a common character, common plot, what?  From all these posts I still
have no idea what y'all are talking about....


> On 20/Nov/1998, Fri 08:27:31, JBRMM266@aol.com said in the message
> titled:"Re: Curved plywood for shields."
> >>Destroyer novels, eh?
> >>
> >>Seems like Heavy-Cruiser novels would work better, and Battleship novels
> >>best
> >>of all!
> >>
> >>
> ::snort!::
> Carriers...only way to go for this Airdale.
> Yours,
> Lord Boroghul Khara (mka Grey Randall)

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