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words words words was(RE: Other 12th night events)
Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>
> --Caitlin Cheannlaidir Main Entry: mun·dane
> Pronunciation: "m&n-'dAn, 'm&n-"
> Function: adjective
> Etymology: Middle English mondeyne, from Middle French mondain, from Late
> Latin mundanus, from Latin mundus world
> Date: 15th century
> 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the world
> 2 : characterized by the practical, transitory, and ordinary : COMMONPLACE
> <the mundane concerns of day-to-day life>
> synonym see EARTHLY
I'd disagree with 'mundane' being derogatory. I never thought of it that
until someone else said they thought it was. I always thought of it as
being a
reference to my modern life which I thought of as mundane, ordinary,
I thought of modern clothes as 'mundanes', being plainer, more practical
than my
SCA garb, but I thought of people as mundanes just in the sense that they
modern practical clothes and weren't participating in our game.
In other words, the way people are daily.
I never did either Miri until I was at a fighter practice. There were
fairly young teenagers talking to prospective newcomers who had been asking
for the past hour and enjoying our company. One teenager made a comment
about how
depressed she was when she had to go back to mundania. One of the modern
asked what she meant. She explained what she meant then her friend said
"yeah, see
we're ladies and you're mundanes". She said it with such an elitest tone of
that the visitors were competely turned off and no matter what explaining I
to do to calm offended nerves I couldn't get the visitors to stay. Their
was lost. It was a depressing event. I don't ever have a problem with folks
me mundane especially when I'm dressed so. However because there are those
who could use the
term in a derogatory manner so I discourage its use and change the term to
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