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Re: Which Atlantian Knights are the 7 Dwarves?!?

Poster: David KUIJT <kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu>

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Melissa wrote:

> >Grumpy
> >Sleepy
> >Dopey
> >Sneezy
> >Happy
> >Doc
> >
> >and Thorin Oakenshield.  I can't remember the seventh.  Lucky?  Stinky?
> >Horny?  Goofy? (no, that was a dog...)  I just can't recall...
> Bashful.. :)

Ah, that's right!  No wonder I didn't remember it.  Well, I certainly
don't have to worry about being described as the quintessence of THAT

Actually, I think Stinky, Horny, Surly, and Rude are good names for
dwarves, but Walt Disney would probably never go for it. 


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