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Re: Shield Weight

Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>


I just weighed the last, all wooden, shield that I fought with (which would be just
before Michael's Coronation last when I first brought out my new aluminum/wooden
design).  It has not basket, edging, or hose around it and is missing some of the wood
from the top edge and from the bottom.

It weighs in at 27 pounds.


David KUIJT wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Nov 1998, Logan & Arielle wrote:
> > I started (and until about a year and a quarter ago) and fought with shields that
> > weighed around 29 to 32 lb..  They were 1/2" all wooden shields.
> With respect, I think your math (or memory) is off, Yer Grace.  For the
> last decade and a half I've used 3/4" curved plywood shields; with all the
> edging and other stuff (and often with metal reinforcing straps on most of
> the edges) these shields were 14-15 lbs.  My current shield is 5/8" and is
> around 12 lbs; it is still heavier than most people's shields.
> If your shield was made of 1/2" plywood, and it weighed 30 lbs, then
> someone was attaching two 10-lb barbells to it when you weren't looking!
> Dafydd

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