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Caer Mear's Masqued Ball Reservations (long)
Poster: MCAMEROUN@aol.com
Unto the frequenters of the Merry Rose, greetings from Margaret Cameron,
Reservations for Masqued Ball are beginning to arrive, and I thought that I
would take this admittedly shameless opportunity to post the flyer again, for
those that missed it before, and to update the populace on several items of
First, I am extremely honored to announce that Their Royal Highness will be
Second, please be aware that board reservations at this time are limited to
the first 110 people - my apologies for not posting this in the flyer.
Third, your reservations must be postmarked no later than December 1st in
order to take advantage of the lower rate (after December 1st, on board
reservations are raised to $12.00 per person). Please remember that the only
reservation is a paid reservation.
Fourth, merchants are welcome to attend! If you intend to merchant, please
bring anything that you might need for setup since I can't guarantee that
tables will be available. Also, please be aware that I am leaving it up to you
to collect any state taxes as appropriate.
Fifth, our very own Baron Aedan Alywyn, has graciously agreed to lead us in
the dancing. Many thanks, Your Excellency!
Finally, I am thrilled to announce that there is a RAPIER PRACTICE scheduled
for early afternoon (tentatively 1:00 p.m.) on Sunday, December 13th (the day
after the event). More details on this practice will be available at the
event site.
And now, without further ado, here's the flyer:
December 12th - Caer Mear's Masqued Ball
Barony of Caer Mear, Richmond, VA
All without is cold and dark / For Winter's come and made her mark, / And yet
within is warmth and light / For we have chosen on this night / To fight Dame
Winter's icy grip / With dance and song, joyous and free / With games and
laughter and contests three / And Masks which on your face you slip / To join
us in our revelry.
The Barony of Caer Mear invites you to join with us in defiance of winter!
There will be music, dancing, merchants, games, contests, and various
diversions to keep all those attending amused well into the evening.
Site: Greenfield Community Center, 2221 Woodmont Drive, Richmond VA 23235.
The site opens at 1:00 p.m., closes at 10:00 p.m., and is discretely wet.
Please - no pets.
Arts and Sciences Competitions: "From the Ground Up" . For more information,
please contact Lady Magdalena de Hazebrouck (804-323-6379,
Betty_and_David@compuserve.com). For fun, a open display run as a Pearl's
Prize Tourney (for more information, please contact the autocrat). Finally,
for the musically inclined, there will be a bardic competition: back by
popular demand, the "Worst Rendition of a Period Song - Family Style".
Other activities: Games, merchants, and (hopefully) dancing, and. . . the
return of the infamous "NO" competition!
The Masque: Masks are highly encouraged! Bring your own, or decorate one at
the site - there will be a table set up with masks and things to decorate
them. Let your imagination be your guide. Prizes will be given for the best
Feast: Cooked by Sir Tojenareum Grenville of Devon (need I say more?).
Cost: On or before December 1st - $10.00 per person on board. After December
1st - $12.00 on board. $5.00 off board. Children 6 - 12 half price, and
under 6, free. Please make checks payable to the Barony of Caer Mear, SCA,
Inc. The only reservation is a paid reservation (please, no telephone or e-
mail reservations accepted).
Autocrat: Baroness Margaret Cameron. Mail reservations to 10705 Checkers
Court, Richmond VA 23235. For dietary concerns or crash space, telephone
804-560-0881 (NLT 10:00 p.m.) or e-mail MCAMEROUN@aol.com.
>From the West: take I-64 east towards Richmond, take 195 (exit 186, Downtown
Expressway) to the Powhite Parkway (Rt. 76). Cross the James River, go through
the toll booth (50 cents), take the Midlothian Turnpike exit (Rt. 60 towards
Midlothian, go through the toll booth - 25 cents). Follow directions below.
>From the North: Take I-95 south to 195 (Downtown Expressway). Follow
directions above (From the West).
>From the South: Take I-95 to Chippenham Parkway (Rt. 150) to Midlothian
Turnpike (Rt. 60 towards Midlothian). Follow directions below.
>From the East: Take I-64 west to I-95 south. Take the Chippenham Parkway exit
(Rt. 150) to Midlothian Turnpike (Rt. 60 towards Midlothian). Follow
directions below.
All: On Midlothian Turnpike, head towards Midlothian. Take a right on Robious
Road (there will be a La Siesta Mexican restaurant on your right just before
the turn). Go down to the 2nd stoplight (Early Settlers Road). Take the 3rd
right after the stoplight. You will be on Woodmont Road, in the Greenfield
subdivision. Follow Woodmont all the way to the end, where you will see the
entrance to the Community Center.
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