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Re: Books?

Poster: Logan and/or Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>

Bob & Diana Cosby wrote:

> Poster: Bob & Diana Cosby <cosby@erols.com>
> I have a question please.  The two books, "Medieval Callings" edited by
> Joque le Goff and "Steel Bonnets" by MacDonald - Fraiser, were
> recommended to me.  I've tried the Virginia Beach library data base but
> they don't have the books.  Does anyone know where I could find these
> books?  Thank you very much in advance.
> Ha det,
> Diana Cosby
> cosby@erols.com
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Try "Amazon.com".  I am batting 100% with them thus far on finding new/used
copies of every book I have been searching for.


Vis,  Fortitudo, Prudentia
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is
the Pack."
-Rudyard Kipling

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