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Second meeting of Ponte Alto Cooks' Guild

Poster: "R. Trigg" <rtrigg@hoflink.com>

Greetings to all:

I would like to announce the second meeting of the Ponte Alto Cooks' Guild 
on December 13 at 6 p.m. Lord Boroghul (Grey Randall) has once again 
volunteered his home for the site of the meeting. We will be making cold 
fennel soup, mustard soup and Lord Boroghul will provide bread. We will be 
discussing period spices. Directions to Lord Boroghul's are as follows:

Get to that wonderful intersection designed by committee (395/495/95) and 
take the first exit 644/Old Keene Mill Road west to Rolling Road.

At the corner of Rolling Road, you will find the Cardinal Plaza Shell 
station (the one with the statues and landscaping)  Turn left onto Rolling 
Road Southbound.  You will go through three stoplights,*** 

Fairfax County Parkway
Take 7100/Fairfax County Parkway South all the way to Rolling Road (Where 
7100 ends and 7900 begins) and turn right to go south on Rolling Road. You 
will go through one stoplight,***

after which, Rolling Road will do the twisty-turny  thing past the Army 
Engineering Proving Grounds on your left.

After the EPG, there will be a business park on your left, a church on your 
right, and an intersection labled "Saratoga" right in front of you.  This 
street is Edinburgh. Turn Right onto Edinburgh. (NOTE if you pass the Mobil 
Gas station and the Saratoga Shopping center, you are at the OTHER end of 
Edinburgh)  Your second left is Lake Pleasant.  Revenna Lane is the second 
left off of Lake Pleasant.  Our house number is 7974 (Middle of the block 
on your left)  Park in any unnumbered spot...although you'd be better off 
parking along Lake Pleasant.

In addition to having two cars with "Spiff Happens" bumper stickers in 
front of it, Aislynn's banner and Boroghul's shield will be hanging from 
the porch (If my device change gets approved, my *NEW* shield will be in 
front of the door )

Phone numbers if you get lost 703-569-9743 is [Boroghul's] home number.
I [Boroghul] can be reached at 703-461-6700 x259 before 5:00 PM weekdays.

STANDARD WARNING #3  We [Boroghul and his family] are owned by 5 cats that 
vary in personality from Violently aloof to full-tilt borg assimilation of 
your lap if you let them! 
Rest assured, we will assault the house with the bissel powerbrush and 
allergin control shampoo before anyone comes over.. the cats will be 
banished to the upstairs bedroom."

If anyone has any questions about the meeting, please don't hesitate to 
e-mail me at rtrigg@hoflink.com or you can leave me a message at my home at 
(703) 941-6162  (NLT10 p.m.) and I will get back to you as soon as I am 

With apologies for not getting this posted sooner, 
Gospozha Nostas'ia Stepanova
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
(Alexandria, VA)

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