The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Fri Jun 25 18:48:13 99
421 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
- A Mid-Winters Tale,
Doug and Maria Munitz (12/01/98)
- Re: What would bring a knight shame? (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/05/98)
- Re: What would bring a knight shame?,
SCAVard (12/05/98)
- Question please,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/05/98)
- Question please (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/05/98)
- FW: kneeling (fwd),
Atlow, Neal J (12/05/98)
- CDs for Sale,
Barbara Bilodeau (12/05/98)
- Medieval games,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/05/98)
- Re: off topic car help,
Debbie Halstead (12/05/98)
- From Fidonet (email ListRep here re replying directly),
SCA-Atlantia (12/05/98)
- Re: Where does one find minority permission forms?,
Terry L. Neill (12/05/98)
- Games -- thank you.,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/05/98)
- Fwd: [SCA-CAID:8316] FW/ guidlines for owning an associate,
EoganOg (12/05/98)
- Fw: November Laurel Acceptances,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (12/05/98)
- Fw: Laurel November returns,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (12/05/98)
- Seeking James or Daniel of Rutland,
Sharon Henderson (12/05/98)
- off topic - role playing,
Urdan1 (12/05/98)
- Re: Kneeling and One's Mundane Private Beliefs (Long),
muselaw (12/05/98)
- Little Event with a GREAT Big Feast,
Barbara Bilodeau (12/05/98)
- In Search of ...,
LadyDaria (12/05/98)
- Resources Page Of Meridies,
rmhowe (12/05/98)
- 12th Night Hotel - STATUS UPDATE,
Cassandra the Forlorn (12/05/98)
- [Fwd: [TY] RE: Peer dependant Owner's manual:],
David Knebel (12/05/98)
- Re: ABC's of the SCA status and submission info,
Xena Drum (12/05/98)
- seeking eldred,
Becky McEllistrem (12/05/98)
- Judaic Documentation and Reference,
Donald Wagner (12/05/98)
- Contact?,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/05/98)
- Fw: No. Reg. 12th Night,
elsworth (12/05/98)
- Contact,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/05/98)
- Revised Mid-Winter's Tale Event announcement,
Steven Schretzmann (by way of Doug and MariaMunitz) (12/06/98)
- [Fwd: Fwd: [CALONTIR] Eringlen won],
drumfest (12/06/98)
- Medieval diseases,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/06/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases,
rmhowe (12/06/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases,
keith.finn (12/06/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases,
David KUIJT (12/07/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases,
marybeth lavrakas (12/07/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases,
keith.finn (12/07/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases,
carl christianson (12/08/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases,
David KUIJT (12/08/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases, or never touch plague rats,
carl christianson (12/08/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases, or never touch plague rats,
David KUIJT (12/08/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases (long),
Lorenzo (12/08/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases, or never touch plague rats,
rmhowe (12/09/98)
- Re: Medieval diseases,
Donald Wagner (12/09/98)
Re: Medieval diseases,
Craig Levin (12/07/98)
A Public Service Announcment,
BjornFrie (12/06/98)
In search of Shek and Touch The Earth,
Xena Drum (12/06/98)
Second meeting of Ponte Alto Cooks' Guild,
R. Trigg (12/07/98)
Re: a Publc Service Announcement,
BjornFrie (12/07/98)
medieval music,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/07/98)
Medieval Diseases - Thank you!,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/07/98)
More kneeling,
jsrechts (12/07/98)
A Forward from the East!,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/07/98)
RE: making a list,
Dominica Harlan (12/07/98)
Diana Rhys of carmarthen,
S. MacPherson (12/07/98)
Sarah Prunier (12/07/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Israel,
liz clark (12/15/98)
A Public Service Announc,
Edward B. Harrison (12/07/98)
Regional Fighter Practice,
Dennis Fillpot (12/07/98)
Free concert, Raleigh, NC,
Nancy Davis (12/07/98)
Medieval Personality, List,
L. Ray Sunderlin (12/07/98)
Prince and Princess e-mail,
Peter H. Clarke (12/08/98)
University - Whoops!,
Beth Morris (12/08/98)
University (FINALLY),
Beth Morris (12/08/98)
Fwd: Toys for Tots; request for results.,
Cyndi Korup (12/08/98)
M. Stewart (12/08/98)
11th and 12th century,
J.C. & Laura Housel (12/08/98)
Going offline for a while,
Christoph and/or Sherry Hintze (12/09/98)
How are castles in Scotland named?,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/09/98)
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/09/98)
Black Diamond Webpage,
Adrianna (12/09/98)
Scots-Gaelic Sources?,
SCAVard (12/09/98)
Re: Medieval diseases, or never touch plague rats,
Jjane0117 (12/09/98)
Sailing Down Africa's East Coast,
David KUIJT (12/09/98)
Re: Sailing Down Africa's East Coast,
David KUIJT (12/11/98)
Insulting song (Bon Joure a Vous!),
EoganOg (12/09/98)
11th and 12th,
J.C. & Laura Housel (12/09/98)
Plague and the Migration Age,
Terry L. Neill (12/10/98)
Hold at, say bra?,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/10/98)
Re: Cursing,
JBRMM266 (12/10/98)
Reswearing fealty?,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/10/98)
Pork pie,
Brett W. McCoy (12/10/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Pork pie,
Boroghul Khara (12/10/98)
A Duke's remorse?,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/10/98)
Beverly Robinson-Curry (12/11/98)
Re: Sailing Down Africa's East Coast (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/11/98)
Reswearing fealty? (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/11/98)
A Duke's remorse? (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/11/98)
The Harp and Caliper,
Doug and Maria Munitz (12/11/98)
Siege Engineers Handbook,
John Edgerton (12/11/98)
reswearing fealty,
jsrechts (12/11/98)
[Windmasters] String Thing this weekend!,
nacspsd (12/11/98)
Re: Berbers,
EoganOg (12/11/98)
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/11/98)
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/11/98)
More Sites!,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/11/98)
Janine H Sutter (12/11/98)
Mabinogi 1999?,
RavnScribe (12/11/98)
Janine H Sutter (12/11/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: music,
Beiskaldi (12/11/98)
Archery Standings Page updated,
Lorenzo (12/12/98)
Re: atlantia list concerns,
MTR/AAHR (12/13/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: atlantia list concerns,
Greg Prevost (12/13/98)
- Re: atlantia list concerns,
JBRMM266 (12/13/98)
- RE: atlantia list concerns,
Xena Drum (12/13/98)
- Re: atlantia list concerns,
Nelson.Beth (12/13/98)
- Re: atlantia list concerns,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/13/98)
- Re: atlantia list concerns,
Jason & Shannon Smith (12/13/98)
- RE: atlantia list concerns,
gregory.stapleton (12/15/98)
- atlantia list concerns,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/15/98)
- Re: atlantia list concerns,
Bellatrix2 (12/15/98)
- Re: atlantia list concerns,
Beiskaldi (12/16/98)
- Re: atlantia list concerns,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/16/98)
Re: looking for Byrum,
SCAVard (12/13/98)
CGScoop (12/13/98)
Regarding Dryer Lint......,
bearslayer (12/13/98)
list concerns,
Logan and/or Arielle (12/13/98)
poopy dip.,
The Housel house (12/13/98)
The Housebook (was Re: Medieval exhibits in Philadelphia/NYC area?,
Tom Rettie (12/13/98)
change of email address,
lordkheldar (12/13/98)
Thank you,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/13/98)
Re: What could a married man do? (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/13/98)
A thought!,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/13/98)
Countesses (was RE: atlantia list concerns),
SCAVard (12/13/98)
Henry VII,
Janine H Sutter (12/13/98)
A thought! (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/13/98)
Ymir Flyer,
Mohajerin, Leila (12/13/98)
List Concerns,
Malone, N. (12/13/98)
more questions,
Janine H Sutter (12/13/98)
Invitation to join,
sirlogan (12/14/98)
invitation message,
Logan and/or Arielle (12/14/98)
Logan and/or Arielle (12/14/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Seareach,
Denise Jones (12/14/98)
Have extra time?,
jsrechts (12/14/98)
Feast Space for Twelfth Night,
Dryw Freed (12/14/98)
Change of address,
Efenwealt Wyslte (12/14/98)
Figher Practice-Aiken SC,
Doug and Maria Munitz (12/15/98)
What could a married man do?,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/15/98)
[Fwd: ANST - You know you're Castle Trash if.... (fwd)] (fwd),
Brett W. McCoy (12/15/98)
geneviamoas (12/15/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: Rattan,
Lewis, Don (12/15/98)
Re: Christmas break,
lp12546 (12/15/98)
castle trash and black velvet,
Logan and/or Arielle (12/16/98)
Re: Libraries and their problems,
Orendil (12/16/98)
Re: On that Note!,
Orendil (12/16/98)
RE: more questions (fwd),
Orville D Keys Jr (12/16/98)
Re: more questions (fwd),
EoganOg (12/16/98)
Re: more questions (fwd),
Joseph Tolbert (12/22/98)
No Subject,
Orville D Keys Jr (12/16/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- No Subject,
Bonne of Traquair (12/18/98)
vacation time,
Becky McEllistrem (12/16/98)
Winter Garden question,
akratts (12/16/98)
Winter gardens,
akratts (12/16/98)
Re: Bilboes, Bridals, and Gibbets (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/16/98)
Re: Henry VII (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/16/98)
Re: Crucifixion? was( RE: torture in England (was questions) (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/16/98)
Re: (no subject) (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/16/98)
Forwarded mail...,
Craig Levin (12/16/98)
Re: Castle Trash, indeed!,
Michael Ruttle (12/16/98)
Brett W. McCoy (12/16/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Wassail,
Jason & Shannon Smith (12/16/98)
- RE: Wassail,
Orville D Keys Jr (12/20/98)
Fw: Crucifixion? was( RE: torture in England (was questions),
Xavier de Lyon (12/16/98)
Rowanwald Central (12/16/98)
fwd: book review..."Oxford Illustrated history of the Vikings",
Garrett, William (12/16/98)
FW: Book review Twilight of a Golden Age: Selected Poems of Abraham Ibn Ezra,
Garrett, William (12/16/98)
FW: TMR 98.12.07, Murray, Notarial Instruments (Holman),
Garrett, William (12/16/98)
Janine H Sutter (12/16/98)
questions (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/16/98)
H7: finances,
EoganOg (12/16/98)
A Leather Question!,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/16/98)
Corey R (12/16/98)
Bilboes, Bridals, and Gibbets,
EoganOg (12/17/98)
Re: List Concerns - sorta,
Brian Pardue (12/17/98)
[Fwd: more questions],
marybeth lavrakas (12/17/98)
torture in England (was questions),
jsrechts (12/17/98)
Crucifiction? was( RE: torture in England (was questions),
Becky McEllistrem (12/17/98)
Tower of London,
marybeth lavrakas (12/17/98)
Weather Report from the Kingdom's west end,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (12/17/98)
Re: Library of Congress (was Re: On that Note!),
Boroghul Khara (12/17/98)
Greetings Heralds,
Mark Mettler (12/17/98)
Re: Crucifiction? was( RE: torture in England (was questions) (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/17/98)
looking for Genevia from Seareach,
melissa.long (12/17/98)
Vicking Christmas Carol,
Mark Mettler (12/17/98)
Contacting Richard Faux and Kate Mancel,
Michael J. Lonski (12/17/98)
Research- Some musings,
Mohajerin, Leila (12/18/98)
(no subject),
Shalandara (12/18/98)
Rattan for 12th Night,
geneviamoas (12/18/98)
Re: Misogyny and other nunsense,
Susan Downs (12/18/98)
Non-SCA -- Job opening,
Shalandara (12/18/98)
A Viking Christmas Carol,
Patrick Schenning (12/18/98)
Feast Space for Twelfth Night--Final Update (probably),
Dryw Freed (12/18/98)
[TY] Prayer Request,
Joy M. Herring (12/18/98)
Re: Forwarded mail... (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/18/98)
Dance Practices,
SCAVard (12/18/98)
Recommended reading? (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/18/98)
James Morrow (12/18/98)
OT: Looking for an English Xmas carol,
James Gilly / Alasdair mac Iain (12/18/98)
Recommended reading?,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/19/98)
(2220), (12/20/98)
OT, OOP - sorry - memory for sale,
BlakHart66 (12/20/98)
An announcement from Free Trumpet Press West,
Kevin Conlin (12/21/98)
Fwd: [SCA-CAID:8611] [Fwd: A Soldier's Christmas],
EoganOg (12/22/98)
Greetings = ),
Edward B. Harrison (12/22/98)
Please repost the author,
akratts (12/22/98)
Season's Greetings,
Denise Jones (12/22/98)
ICQ users,
Mark Mettler (12/22/98)
geneviamoas (12/22/98)
Going, going, going...,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (12/23/98)
FW: Politically Correct Season's Greetings,
Karen Marsh-Lovvorn (12/29/98)
Acryllic Question,
EoganOg (12/29/98)
Period mask-making (sources?),
Ryan W Snead (12/29/98)
"Another Sprang Book",
SNSpies (12/29/98)
James, needs loan of a dress,
Rutlands (12/29/98)
Greetings and Games,
Robert J Welenc (12/29/98)
The Knights Templar,
Neal Townley (12/30/98)
viking eu info 1,
bmj (12/30/98)
Cadfael IV on PBS,
rmhowe (12/30/98)
Needlepoint patterns,
Mark Mettler (12/30/98)
BlakHat1 (12/30/98)
Heard an old joke...,
Heather Bryden (12/30/98)
RP'ing? (fwd),
Craig Levin (12/30/98)
Bootlegging, SCA style (slightly off topic),
Xena Drum (12/30/98)
Best of the Hammer Books available again.,
rmhowe (12/30/98)
Known World Heraldic Symposium,
Antti Leino (12/30/98)
Twelfth Night by Shakespeare,
Garrett, William (12/30/98)
From Julitta,
Chris Mayer (12/30/98)
Looking for Melys,
Logan and/or Arielle (12/30/98)
Re: Shimmy: Bootlegging, SCA style (slightly off topic),
Xena Drum (12/30/98)
Old Joke,
Sean Cartwright (12/30/98)
No more Pollings! (report to the Crown),
Peter Adams (12/30/98)
fighter practice,
coty kannon (12/31/98)
HERALDS: Addresses?,
Sharon Henderson (12/31/98)
Jessica Rechtschaffer (12/31/98)
Dance Practice (longish),
SCAVard (12/31/98)
The Letter X,
Janine H Sutter (12/31/98)
Loaner garb for Storvik Yule Revel,
Rutlands (12/31/98)
RE: Letter X,
Mark Mettler (12/31/98)
Looking for ...,
LadyDaria (12/31/98)
Cyclas Pattern,
Mark Mettler (12/31/98)
Foote Ball in Period,
rmhowe (12/31/98)
A painting/picture?,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/31/98)
Thank you -- I have the information I need on the picture.,
Bob & Diana Cosby (12/31/98)
Making Smaller Holes,
rmhowe (12/31/98)
New Years.,
Orville D Keys Jr (12/31/98)
Happy New Year!,
George W. Condon, Jr. (12/31/98)
Edmund Blair Leighton,
Scott Silvers/Lord James Beckett of Westmorland (12/31/98)
My brilliant, seditious wife,
Bruce C. Miller (12/31/98)

The Merry Rose Archive