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Re: Henry VII (fwd)

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

>> Time to point out to those new to research and cursed with poorly
>> stocked public libraries the marvels of Inter-Library Loan.
>> Failing all else,  go  to the librarian and ask her how to find a
>> good biography of H7.  Odds are that even the smallest libraries
>> have a reference book that lists biographies of all sorts (and all
>> sorts of other books about books!)  In the absense of an author
>> and/or title,  she can even make a subject ILL request  for "a
>> biography of Henry VII."

>A subject request isn't something I'd do. Before doing that, look
>through the books you already own, ferret stuff out of the
>bibliographies, and use them instead.

True, compadre -- but that's if you *have* sources. I should have
made it clearer that asking for a subject request is a last-ditch
resort. That's if neither you nor your local library has anything to
give you sources, and you have no internet access.  I've been in
places where the library was like that -- fewer books than I have in
my personal library, most of them paperbacks, half of them Harlequin
romances and the other half guy books with series names like "The
Assassinator #536".

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