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Archery Standings Page updated

Poster: Lorenzo <detoma@erols.com>

Greetings from Lorenzo,

just to let you know that the archery standings page, now under the care
of Lord Robert Runewald, the new Kingdom Scorekeeper, has been updated.
The latest standings can be viewed at:


I am thrilled to report that there about 100 (!!) archers listed on the
standings, and more waiting in the wings for the December update. When
we started really pushing this, a little over two years ago, there were
perhaps 20 archers listed. At the beginning of this year, we had a
little less than 50. Now, at the end of the year, we are up to 100. This
is a great achievement for archery in our Kingdom, and I think it's
something of which we should all be proud. It represents a great deal of
effort to support archery at all levels, from Royalty on down. Along
with more archers, we are seeing more and better archery tournaments at
events around the Kingdom, and to those of us who love archery, that is
excellent news indeed.

Over the next few weeks the standings page will be moved and
significantly upgraded. Lord Robert plans to include an online form so
that marshals can submit their scores on line. We are also looking at
integrating the page within other pages containing more information
about combat and target archery, and archery events. Lord Julien de
Montfort and Lord Giovanni Rocco have offered not only to host the page
on the spiaggia.org site, but they have been working hard on setting up
more information. Look for these changes sometime early next year.

If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have any questions
or comments regarding the scores or the standings page, please contact
the Kingdom Scorekeeper, Lord Robert Runewald, at bjamann@erols.com.

In service,

Lord Lorenzo il Confuso
Deputy Kingdom Archer Marshal, Northern Region

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