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RE: making a list

Poster: Dominica Harlan <DHarlan@RodgersBuilders.com>

Milord, I have no problem answering such questions but would like to know their purpose.

Poster: "A. Hahn" <lord_hahn@hotmail.com>

Pardon the interruption.  I would like for denizens of this list to 
email me directly with their responses to these questions;

1. what are your personal (meaning you not anyone else) thoughts on 
creating a Principallity in Atlantia?

2. what do you think of the Knights of Atlantia (meaning their actions 
both on and off the field)?

3. what do you think of the Pelicans of Atlantia (meaning their actions 
both to the populace as a whole and to people within their local area)?

I thank you in advance for your opinions.


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