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Re: The Letter X

Poster: "Boroghul Khara" <boroghul@bellatlantic.net>

>Poster: Janine H Sutter <jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us>
>Greetings!  I am making a word find for Wynnie's "ABCs of the SCA" book.  Can
>anyone think of anything for the letter X?  Thank you in advance.  Kari Kyst

<tongue in cheek>
X is for the X-rays that fighter over there needs.
</tongue in cheek>

Boroghul/Grey Randall
IT Department
Praxis, Inc.
"Milla nummi pro capite hominis nothum inconsiderati
qui ultimam poculum potus capit neque novam ollam fabricatur!"
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