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Medieval Personality, List

Poster: "L. Ray Sunderlin" <ray@janrix.com>

Ok Looks like this is going to be the only way to get all the
If you didn't bookmark the page go and take the test again and get 
the URL for your result. 
Cut and paste this message to a NEW message, filling in the URL for
your Medieval Personality type page.  We should have all the types in
short order. {Ham on rye...hold the mayo. ;o)}

In service, Hargrove the Wanderer...
                                 tho the test sez I'm a Benevolent Ruler

Dreamer Minstrel

Black Knight 

White Knight



Benevolent Ruler  <http://CareerManagement.net/benruler.html>

Prime Minister


  "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition 
   from mediocre minds."
     -Albert Einstein-

   L. Ray Sunderlin  ray@janrix.com   73 de KD4EVR   ICQ# 3102499
   The Masquerade WILL be upheld in  Fayetteville, North Carolina.
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