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Ymir Flyer
Poster: "Mohajerin, Leila" <mohaj001@onyx.dcri.duke.edu>
> Tourney of Ymir
> #22
> February 12-14
> The Tourney Season has Begun! Once again it is time to take up our
> weapons, be they sword or needle! Hone our skills by battling each
> other both on the field of war, and the display of our crafts! Join
> us for Atlantia's oldest running tourney!
> The Field
> There will be much fighting throughout the day!
> Heavy weapons tourney will begin with a two sword/ great sword single
> elimination tourney, and follow with a double elimination tourney of
> various weapon types. There will also be a Rapier Tourney and Archery
> Activities!
> The Market
> We welcome merchants to fill our market. Please contact Master
> Efenwealt Wystle for details and to reserve your space. (919) 319-1910
> or email: wystle@ipass.net
> The Hall
> Being the social center, the hall will be warm and welcoming
> throughout the day. Various activities will include Arts and Sciences
> competitions, Children's classes, Games and a Sheep to Shawl project.
> Arts and Sciences
> The competitions will consist of the first annual Canton Challenge and
> a traditional competition with Items Used in the Dead of Winter theme.
> Entries of clothing, games, foods, etc. are acceptable, and
> documentation is strongly encouraged.
> In the Canton Challenge, collectively display what your canton or
> shire members have learned during the past year. Individuals should
> choose one project in each of the new arts or sciences that they have
> learned since the last Ymir to be part of their group's display.
> For more information about any of the A&S activities, contact Lady
> Katryn Rous (Marybeth Lavrakas) (919) 408-3008 or email
> Marybeth.Lavrakas@alumnae.brynmawr.edu
> The Children
> Lady Labaoise inghean Ragaillag (Luisa) has graciously offered to
> instruct the young of Atlantia. Classes will be "Stain Glass for
> Children" and " Block Printing for Children". Classes are to encourage
> the involvement and education of our young people, and should not be
> viewed as a baby-sitting service. Questions about Children's
> Activities should be directed to Luisa at (919) 639-4531 or
> flamingbolt@mindspring.com.
> Sheep to Shawl
> Come lend a hand to our crafts people in the hall in creating a
> finished product during the event! Sheep to Shawls take the rough
> wool, card it, spin it and weave it, all in ONE day! A wonderful
> cooperative creation! There will be opportunities for the most
> untutored of hands to take part!
> To Fill our Stomachs
> Feast: Lady Anna Sabine will be cooking up a hearty feast. As you
> know, the seating space is limited, so get your reservations in early.
> If you have dietary concerns, contact Anna Sabine at (910) 436-0923.
> Lunch: As a fundraiser for their canton, Buckston will be selling
> lunch. Seek them out in the market.
> The Cost
> Please make checks payable to the Barony of Windmasters' Hill, SCA
> Inc. On Board/ On Site is $12, Day Trip and Off Board/ On Site is $6.
> Children 12 and under are ½ price.
> Cabin space is available but limited, so please indicate on your
> reservation if you would like a bunk. Reservations should be sent to:
> Lady Quenthryth of Laure (Susan Lauber), PO Box 13901, Research
> Triangle Park, NC 27709, (919) 484-7563 (NLT 10pm), email:
> quen@ties.org
> IF you have special concerns, questions, or want to volunteer for
> something contact the Autocrat, Lady Sveva Lucciola (Leila Mohajerin),
> 16A Alamo Ct., Durham, NC 27705, (919) 309-0236 (NLT 10 pm) or
> sveva@juno.com
> Or the Deputy Autocrat, Caterina Lucrezia de Bergamo (Carla Calvi),
> email: ccalvi@acpub.duke.edu
> The site: Cape Fear Scout Reservation
> The site opens at 6:00 PM on Friday the 12th and closes at 12:00 noon
> on Sunday, the14th. The site is discreetly wet, NO Pets!
> Directions:
> From the North and South: From I95 take exit 49. At the top of the
> ramp, turn East towards Elizabethtown/ White Lake on Hwy 53.
> *Approximately 6.5 miles from I95, Hwy 53 will bear right, stay on Hwy
> 53. Approximately 10 miles later, (16.5 from I95)m turn right into
> the Cape Fear Scout Reservation. Once on the reservation, bear to the
> left. Follow the signs to Check In.
> From the West: As you come into Spring Lake/Fort Bragg, follow Hwy
> 210 through Fayetteville until you cross I95. At this point you are
> on Hwy 53. Follow the directions above*.
> For up to the minute information, look at the Ymir WEBSITE at:
> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/8991/
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