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RP'ing? (fwd)

Poster: clevin@ripco.com (Craig Levin)

David ben Sarkel ha-Kuzari:

> How many of you out there caught the medieval bug through D&D?  How many of
> you still play it?  Have your SCA experiences made you a better player or DM
> in your opinion?

I did, in one way. I was predisposed to playing FRP's through
having already read Tolkien and Malory's Morte d'Arthur, and so
I'd already had the mediaeval bug to start with. A friend of mine
who'd GM'ed a campaign I was in was a member in Illiton, and he
encouraged his gaming group to try it out. I did, and now I'm

I haven't played FRP's since I left the Midrealm, mostly because
I haven't had the time. While I was playing, I think I would
agree that my playing style became more "background-enhanced," as
it were-we took more time to create a world and believable
characters, and the fighting became a lot more realistic and
bloody. This, however, might have been due to the swtich we made
in gaming systems, from Dungeons and Dragons to GURPS, which
encourages development and discourages foolhardy heroics...


Craig Levin
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