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Re: Bilboes, Bridals, and Gibbets

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

At 10:29 PM 12/16/98 EST, EoganOg@aol.com wrote:
>Poster: EoganOg@aol.com
>In ae mailin datit 12/16/98 2:12:03 PM Eastern Standart Time, Kari
>> This was WONDERFUL!!  Got anything on the tortures he used 
>Oh, goody!  I finally get to use this cool guide book to the Tower
of London I
>found years ago called "Torture & Punishment" (there's a title that
just grabs
>you, huh?)!
There was also the the handy-dandy do-it-yourself method that was
reportedly used on Mark Smeaton to obtain his confession of adultery
with Anne Boleyn -- a knotted rope tied about the head and tightened
with a stick, just like a torniquet.  

Poke your own thumbs into your temples for just a taste of how
painful this one could be.

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